/ˈblakˌlist/ noun

a list of people or things that are regarded as unacceptable
or untrustworthy and should be excluded or avoided.

Let’s keep it a stack.

Historically, the gatekeepers to wealth have predominantly been
lawyers, brokers and investment bankers of
a particular class, gender, age and race.

The language of finance has been coded
and complicated to keep access low.

We all want money, yet a system can make it feel
like money doesn’t want us.

Today though, we have something different.

The Blacklist.

A new class of vibrant, driven and unique individuals
who are just as serious about their investments as they are their playlists.

The Blacklist is our premier financial social club.

Can’t nobody hold us down.

As a member you’ll be connected with an aligned community, key research, and fellow diverse investors (plus soon-to-be investors) who have the same two goals in mind...

1.) reimagine wealth
2.) help you win the game

And when we say help?
We mean it.

As a member you even get up to 5 free consultations a year with either a Financial Planner, Accountant, or Legal Professional.

To be considered for membership, submit your application below.

Membership Fee:
$500 a year

That’s it. Simple and plain. No bullshit. No games.

Send your app in and we’ll be in touch.